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Project: RTU Replacement

Location: Ohio

Business Sector: Office Building/Data Center

Services: Engineering

TechSite Service Cost: $384,000

Completed: December 2023

Project Challenge:
The customer operates a traditional office building with a small data center in Central Ohio. After consulting with TechSite, the customer made the decision to replace the building’s rooftop unit (RTU) that was at its end-of-life and had several known issues, resulting in an uncomfortable working environment.

TechSite Solution
TechSite’s engineering team began by calculating the thermal load of the facility and sizing the new unit. After this was complete, they provided a detailed analysis to understand the capacity and features of the new unit. The engineering team then completed the detailed electrical and mechanical drawings for the project.

TechSite’s construction team provided on-site Project Management of four (4) subcontractors; electrical, mechanical, controls, and air-balancing, and effectively oversaw the construction phase of the project.

One of the hurdles encountered on the project stemmed from the RTU’s location in the center of the building’s roof.

TechSite’s construction Project Manager coordinated removal of the old RTU and installation of the new unit, the mechanical and electrical work, new control wiring, and integration with the building’s energy management system.

To facilitate the replacement, a crane was brought in to handle the removal of the old unit and installation of the new. The work was successfully completed over a weekend to avoid disrupting the operation of the facility and occupants in the building.

After the new RTU was installed, TechSite’s PM managed the commissioning and air balancing of the system and provided the customer with the operating documentation and as-built drawings.

If you have old mechanical or electrical systems that need evaluated and potentially replaced, contact TechSite for help!